
January 31, 2009

My heart will go onnnnn annnnnnn donnnnnnn....

Now that I've successfully driven off even the last of my loyal readers and my best friend migraine is in town and has been for TWO DAYS... What better time to hop back on the blog train. ehh?

I guess at this point I'm only writing for me.. and maybe my AMAZING fiance! Yeah, I said it! FIANCE! I'm so totally getting hitched in 6 months I have proof.....

No makeup'd, bedheaded, haven't taken the recycling out (cause it's piled up behind me) proof.

He's all sexy and funny and kind and PERRRRFECT PERFECT PERFCT and I have somehow bamboozled him into spending the rest of his muscly life with me. Score. The proposal was perfect... He took me out on a gondola and surprised me on the water. Love....

Life has been great...

Oh god! i've totally forgotten about the whole reason I've existed for the past 26 27 in May years!

January 5, 2009.

THE most exciting night of my life. So far.

I was "All By Myself" before this....

Had I known how amazing it would be, I would have packed my stuff and "Drove all Night".....

"The Power of Love" can only carry you so far.... wait, what was I saying...

Ok, "It's All Coming Back to Me"...

If I stop and let it, "My heart will go on...."

If you haven't caught on yet...

I saw....(deep breath)...



CELINE FREAKING DION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! She was AMAZING!!!!!

Let me start by saying that She. Is. Flawless. She came out on stage in this glittery, shaaaorrrrt dress and her legs were amazing and she's amazing and I'm getting palpitations thinking about it!

My sister and I snuck into the lower level seats. But we both got really nervous and our stomachs started to feel like we had to go to the bathroom because we didn't want to get caught, so we went back to the nosebleeds....which I'm SO glad we did. The jumbotron made it feel like we were RIGHT there! Her voice is PITCH perfect and she's so great!

When we went from the lower level seats up to the 300's it felt remarkably like going from upper to lower class. The people in the bottom were wearing fur and heels and really expensive clothes.... the people in the 300's were wearing grocery shopping on a lazy Sunday attire. It looked like a college campus on family night. We fit right in...

I was so excited that I didn't get that many pics... but Here are SOME from the concert:

Makeup sweat off, I swear.....

When it was over, I looked like I ran a marathon..... That's us by the posters...

Here's the crowd leaving...

Celine is totally behind us in that bright light! hee!

Last but not least... here is Celine talking to the crowd, because yeah, she talked to me!