
December 29, 2005

Out With the Old!!

The time has come, Blog-ladies and gents, for a work-shoe overhaul!

The last time I posted about my work shoes I received several encouraging comments that lead me to prolong their life. I am SO glad I did because they were great shoes....


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4 Shifts A Week

5 Hours A Shift

For 1 1/2 LONG years....

Shoes...You will be missed.

OK, OK...Enough sappy!! (Press stop above) Let's......

(Please Press Play:)

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I felt like I was walking on a cloud last night!!

With Born's New DRYZ Technology, my feet were the PERFECT temperature!

And the tractions not too shabby either...

I paid $30 (with a $50 g.c.) and it was MORE then worth it! I would have paid the full $80 in a heartbeat!

Overall, A+++++ for these awesome shoes!!

And so...... RIP old work friends:

December 27, 2005

Recap of 05!

Sooo...for those of you that have followed along, here's how it went:

June: Got my blog....

July: Got lots off blog friends....And had lots of cool fun posts!!

August: Dropped off the face because school started.

September: Attempted to find interesting school things to write about...

December: Finals at school and got really, really boring.

NOW: Am still really, really boring and all i post about is Mr. Wonderful...and how wonderful Mr. Wonderful is...and how excited I am to see Mr. Wonderful..and how Great it was to see Mr. Wonderful...

Have I mentioned that I'm excited to see him? Ok..Just checking.

Sorry for being such a slacker but it's the holidays....and I've been busy. I'll be thinking long and hard about some fun posts in the near future.

I hope you all are enjoying your holiday.

i'll let you know what my resolution will be....

December 26, 2005

Happy Holidays!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holiday....And I also hope you're getting ready for the New Year.

Any Resolutions you want to share with me?? :)

I'm off to fight the holiday traffic at the Mall...Wish me luck..and I'll see you soon!

Happy Holildays!!!

I'm top left... then dad, Step-mamma, brother...
THe rest are brothers, sisters and our favorite dogs!

December 23, 2005

Almost over....

Was anyone else not ready for Christmas this year? I feel like it came so I can't wait for it to be over.

The 2nd can't come soon enough! As if seeing MW weren't enough...I get to see my Mom and Stepdad too!!! HOORAY!! :)

December 20, 2005

Yay! It's here...

The magenta razr is here and it's WAY cuter in person! Much more vibrant then the pictures lead on.... It's AWESOME....

Grades are in.... 5 A's and 1 B.....3.8 GPA.



Now...time to make a ticker....anyone know a good site to use to make a ticker to countdown til I see MW!?

December 17, 2005

Early Christmas....

I sold my books back today and got 100bucks. I bought them for over 400.

With the dollars I have purchased HER!:

Yes, I'm a sellout...but it's PINK!!!


In other Gargantuanly WONDERFUL news...I am seeing MR. Wonderful in January!!! Praise the Lord! On January 2nd, around 10 am....Merry Late Christmas...I will be with Mr. Wonderful for 7 straight days. Not long enough..but I'll take it!


Can you tell I'm EXCITED!!??

Before I go, one last thing....

Remember when I told you about the adorable little boy that was in love with Dora? Well....i have been asked to persent to you the evidence...

Exibit A, HG reads the book:

Exibit B...Same Jammies...Same book...DIFFERENT PERSON!:

Just to remind you, these pictures were taken by a four year old. Within the span of about 45 minutes until everyone got dizzy from the flash. Two people CAUGHT on camera in less then 45 minutes! He would have read that book all day if we'd let him. It took everything in my power not to eat him to bits! So stinken cute!

December 13, 2005


"Oh ah! A place to stay..getch'a booty on tha floor toniiiigghhhtt...make-my-day!"

That's right! Party down, finals are OVAH! And I rocked! Good grades on all 6 classes and I'm done for a month!!!

I made it through in one piece, but am not sure what to say about the others....

This interesting collage of CRAP was once a desk to do work at. It is now my hamper thanks to finals week.:

This massive collection of dirty clothes was where I sat to do work at my "desk" is also now my hamper a la finals:

If you can make out the pillows and headboard on this badboy then you'll know that it was my bed.....Now? My desk e hamper con finals:


December 10, 2005

News And PICS! YAY

I've had several finals the last week and they ain't over til Tuesday. You may miss me until then. News on PFP.....Class was cancelled on Wednesday on account of our weird weather. It melted a refroze. People here in Somewhere USA cannot drive when there is ice. They think that normal speed limits apply and they are dumb for thinking that and wreck their cars and make traffic SLLLOOOOOOWWWW DOOOWWWWWWNNNNNNN. By slow down i mean stop completely and get detoured accross town.

SOOOO...because of the cancellation, I was unable to get a hold of PFP's notes. Yes. Tragic.

Now, some pictures! YAY!

This is MW crusin' at 75 on the freeway. Yeah, he's a milti-tasker.

Here is MW pointing and laughing at you know who....

And here is MW, "Are you seriuosly going to stop taking pictures of me?"

Alright, fine! You broke me! These pictures were all taken in a matter of seconds when I realized I didn't have that many pictures of him. Pictures that weren't taken courtesy of a 4 year old:

Did I mention that it's the cutest 4 year old ever??

He can read. And spell. And is pretty much smarter then me.

Here is his wonderfully snugglable little brother:

I'll have you know that MW played second fiddle to these boys THE ENTIRE trip. And don't let the adorableness fool you!! THese boys LOVE to read...and the sweet little baby likes to read the same book..over...and over...and over!

Dora: "Hola. I'm dora, and i have to take my books back to the library. Can you help me?"
Little Sweetness: "Yeess"
Dora: "Great! Let's get started."

I have never read a book so many times...But how can you resist!!?

Ohh, yeah...MW!? I almost forgot about him! ;)

December 05, 2005

FINE...Here's ya' dahn post!

I thought it would be a great idea to take all my pictures off of my computer and put them on an external hardrive. SO I did! Now, I can't blog pictures in bed. GREAT PLAN.

So this post will have to due.

I'm sure you may remember her from such posts as

Have I Tamed the Wild Best & Ok I Think She Thinks I'll Feed Her.

Please welcome, ladies and gentlemen, with a great round of applause, My PFP (Personal Food Pillager) in another ground-breaking performance called....

"Can I Borrow Your Computer for a Sec"

I was writing a paper that was due by 4 on line. It was 1:50 when here she came (our class started at 2. And yes, i was planning on writing the paper in class.)

PFP: "Hey!"
HG: "Hi! What's up? :)"
PFP: "Uhh...Do you have internet on there?"
HG: "Yeah, I do."
PFP: "Could I borrow it for a sec? I really have to do something on WebCt and I completely forgot!?"

Let me tell you that PFP has the tendency to make HUGE deals out of nothing. EVERY time we get an assignment/test back she braces herself for the UNKNOWN! She will look at me like she's waiting for a pregnancy test and needs support. We all KNOW full and well that she is going to get an A or a B, so what's the BFD? I play along. Cause I'm nice. And deep down I want her to let me borrow her notes for the take home final cause she rules at taking them. So, sue me. I'm extra nice cause she's got the goods.

HG: "Sure..."

PFP borrowed my computer and went on and on about how amazing it was that i had internet without a cord. Ok..? How was your trip from 1998?...Had she really not grasped wireless yet?

10 min later!

Class is starting and I REALLY need to finish this paper.

I look over and PFP is filling out a SURVEY!? A survey about the ON-LINE course that she had just finished!? NO LATE ASSIGNMENT. NOTHING FOR CREDIT. A FLIPPING SURVEY. SHE NEEDED MY COMPUTER TO GIVE SOMEONE ELSE HER OPINION. Now, you're trying to tell me that you DESPERATELY needed to use my computer!?

She looks at me and says...

PFP: "ooh..there's like 20 more questions...Is that ok?"
HG: "I really need to write a paper..."
PFP: "Oh. I'll hurry."

I guess the fact that I REALLY needed to finish my paper was the green light to continue working on this stupid freaking survey.

She finished the survey and apperantly forgot to save some of her answers. The SECOND she pressed submit she was in a tissy.

PFP: "Oh my gosh?! I CAN NOT believe it!? I really tried hard to give them my opinion.!? What am I going to do."
HG: "It's really not a big deal. It's not even for credit."

So..I get my comptuer back.

5 min later

PFP: "Can i read you my speech?"
HG: "uhh..yeah, sure...if you don't mind me typing."
PFP: proceeds to read a 5 min speech in JAPANESE!??

I give her my wow, great job speech and move on.

She then takes the next 5 minutes to explain EXACTLY what she said to me in Japanese. And on top, how I could have said it differently.

Sigh.... She's starting to grow on me.

December 02, 2005


Well, you all know that I saw Mr. Wonderful over thanksgiving so I'll give you a recap of how AMAZING it was.

After riding on the bus for 5 hours I was excited all PROPER-like! I finished most of a paper, until my battery died, and slept for about 10 minutes. How could I sleep!? I was meeting the man of my DREAMS and I hadn't seen him for like 6 years!?

I DID manage to meet a super cool chick that became my partner in crime for the bus ride. That was the only good thing that came of Greyhound.

SOO...ON with the show.

I waited about 5 minutes for him (his brother in-law, and two ADORABLE nephews) to pull up to the station. He got out of the car and, can i tell you, he was MORE beautiful in person!? But I won't cause beautiful isn't a GUY word so i'll say HANDSOME!! Or AMAZING LOOKING!!

Attraction? CHECK!
Hotness? CHECK!

Now for the hug....a HUGE tell-all instant. Was there chemistry?? DUN DUN DUNNHHH!!

When he smiled, all i could see was the excitement I was feeling. When we hugged......

Chemistry?? (here's for my ladies in the back...) CHECK, CHECK, CHECK!!! :)

We spent the first couple hours acting like smitten First Graders!? What the heck...who does that!? haha We were both so excited that it was finally happening...


Mr. Wonderful and I met 7 years ago when we worked at the movie theater.

I was 16 in highschool. He was 18 and graduated. I always liked cute Mr. Wonderful and we ALWAYS loved working with eachother. (He liked me, too! But what graduate dates a high schooler!? ;) HOWEVER, we never admitted that we had eyes for eachother and did our best to deny it to ourselves.

Moving on: We both went to the same community college a year later. (He wore running shoes in a completely sexy way!! And he was an athlete! And had a goergeous smile! And I would talk to him about crap i did not care about..JUST to talk to him! :)...and he did NOT catch my drift.)

I had a serious boyfriend..we now call him Marshmellow. He had a serious girlfriend...we now call her Cyste. Different places in our lives...but still very much attracted. Nothing ever happened.

Flash forward to two months ago, or, 5 years later: Mr. Wonderful found me on Facebook. I got his message and was INSTANTLY excited!! We talked on AIM and I was in love! :) There was the same instant attraction. The same GREAT communication. The same understanding. I was in TOTAL shock that there was someone (so dang GOODLOOKING, i might a) that I could talk to so easily. He made me laugh! He understood me without me explaining myself. It was EASY.

Ok. So we were talking...and falling in L-O-V-E...oooooooOooooOooohhhh!! And we decided it was time to see eachother! I packed my bags and headed down to see him.


Ok, so there we were! FINALLY together! And it was perfect.

I couldn't stop looking at him! I can't remember the last time I felt so happy.

Well...the whole vacation was perfect.

(All pictures courtesy of his 4 year old nephew! And Mr. Wonderful told me to tell you he is doing the tongue roll...and does not have giant freak lips!?)

We love to be goofy! We love the same movies. We love the same music. We love just being with each other.

We did the holiday thing. Went to a movie...went shopping...spent time with family...played drinking games! :) (well, he did....and that's aother story.)

We ended up renting a car on the last few days so we could spend more time together. Also, i couldn't handle taking the bus again. Iickckch!

We drove 5 hours to his house and it felt like 2. i met his friends. I saw where he lived.

(...that is a chunky sweater that nobody told me i looked giant in!)

And BEST of all...I smelled like him when I got home. **sigh**

Why is he so great? And why are we SO great together?

Ok...I've got to get ready for work, so I'll leave you with this....

This is one of the funniest drunk girl skits ever! Enjoy!

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