I'm not sure why, but I was born with no sense of urgency. I wake up every morning (11am is still AM) with a list of things to do. I write them on a piece of paper and get crackin'. Kind of...? My list starts out:
fold laundry
iron work shirts
vacuum floor
make bed
12:30pm: Accomplished: Read my daily blogs. Deadlines: Need to leave for work in 3 hours.
Plenty of time to get SOMETHING done!
1:30pm: Have spent the last hour reading more blogs and organizing my blogrolls.
List to date:
fold laundry
iron work shirts
vacuum floor
make bed
Phew! One thing down...I'm really puttin' this list away!
2:00pm: NEED to iron work shirts and MUST go to the bank. Will hit the bank on the way to work.
Current list status:
fold laundry
iron work shirts
vacuum floor
make bed
WOW. The SAME two things that were left on my list yesterday. I guess it's nice to know that folding laundry and vacuuming will never come between us.
5 hours well spent.
I can sympathize.
Oh, I do that ALL of the time. Great post, in fact, great blog! Now, I must add you to my blogroll.
wow... 5 hours, huh?
the line at the bank must have been looong!
ha! I was talking about my day. 11-4..haha.
You spend more time trying to housework, than i actually spend at my job.
I know! Remind me, Peachy!
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