Also, my eating took a turn for the worse! This, I believe, is what lead to the demise of my workout plan.
It all started great:
1 Turkey Burger (no bun)
1 lo-fat string cheese
1 stem of grapes
I felt great! I wasn't even hungry... when I saw it... all it's chocolate-y...nougaty-y...cookie, caramel-y goodnesses.....
(psycho shower scene stab sounds)
NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! For the love of humanity... NOOOO!!!!! All iwanted was an ice pack!? And tihs is what I find in the bottom drawer just BEGGING for me to take them in..
I think it's quite clear what happened next. My eat-right-plan went to the crapper! I blame Twix personally for my lack of motivation to work out.
(I was going to take a picture of my wrappers, but i felt serious shame when I set them up for a photo shoot.)
That looks like the drawer in my desk.
I always start out with good intentions, but the chocolate breaks me down.
Oh I hate when that drawer opens LOL...
Hey, you may as well gain with a smile right?!*g*
I think you should sue the makers of Twix and ask for a refund on your motivation.
That or buy stock.
OMG, that's too funny! I've got a bag that looks like that stashed under my bed. I'm still working out three times a week, but I think this week it's just going to negate the yummy Tiramisu I found at the grocery store...
Nothing wrong with enjoying a little snack now again.
Even re-reading this post makes me want more! Here is my logic: The faster I eat them..the faster they'll be gone! Right? :)
Or, the fewer they have the more you can enjoy them over a long run.
True...I'll have to try that on for size. :)
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